Make the front page of L'Illustré!

How to attract visitors in an ultra-stimulating environment?

How can you draw in the crowd with a quick, memorable activity that adds high value for L'Illustré?

Let's set the scene: You're at the Valais Fair in Martigny, meandering among the stalls of exhibitors and merchants with a glass of white wine in hand (please drink responsibly), and allowing yourself to drift among the various activities that are buzzing around you. It's in this lively and bustling atmosphere that we've set up an engaging activity for the newspaper L'Illustré.


L'Illustré consistently maintains an event presence at the Valais Fair in Martigny. The challenge, in such a lively setting, is to create a welcoming and enticing space that highlights the company's identity through exciting activities for the public. Therefore, the task was to implement a robust, user-friendly event that adds value for both the visitors and L'Illustré.

The answer

We implemented a fully digital photo booth activation, personalised according to L'Illustré's brand DNA. One of the challenges was to ensure a smooth user journey by optimising the speed of the event execution as much as possible. This involved, among other things, eliminating the need for printouts (a potential point of frustration at events, in case of malfunction). To activate the photobooth, visitors were invited to fill out a brief web form on their smartphones, allowing them to customise the photo overlay. The form also collected participants' email addresses so they could receive their photos directly on their phones. The set-up around the photo booth was visually strong and appealing to visitors. They had the option to choose from a selection of iconic Valais backgrounds, and the photo overlay aimed to allow them to create their own version of the L'Illustré cover with quirky, humorous headlines and text elements provided in the web activation form. The separation of the registration and photo receipt processes on the smartphone, and the fact that the booth was dedicated solely to taking pictures, maximised the turnover rate of individuals able to enjoy the activation. Indeed, this minimised the queue before taking a photo as well as the wait for a printout.


An extremely robust activation that ran continuously for 10 days, without any technical failures, despite challenging event conditions and sometimes tipsy attendees. In total, more than 1,300 photos were taken, and L'Illustré was able to collect a broad marketing contact base thanks to the photo booth's activation form.

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